Swaadhyaay while in Grihasta Ashram

Aditi: (Ch. Sambhaji Nagar):

Q) “Hari Aum! As grihastas, we keep getting involved in many activities at all fronts, like parents, children, neighbours, friends, work etc. Should one learn to say NO or keep doing things as they come with Seva bhaav?”

Manish ji's reply:

[As understood by me]

"If as a Saadhak, you have appointed for yourself a specific time for your saadhana, your studies - may be in the morning, and someone, may be a relative or a friend asks you for a favour at that time, you may no doubt feel compelled to oblige as a grihasta.

Compare the same to a situation, where you have an appointment with the Chief Minister, and again a favour is asked during that time, then what would you do? You would, in all probability politely ask them for a later time. Similarly, utmost priority must be given to keep the appointed schedule with the One Lord of the universe.

For a saadhak, along with worldly duties it is very important to prioritize sincere study schedules. Else, one would only land up being “good”, and efficient, and taking on more and more work, but not be able to do swaadhyaay. Also, remember that work is binding. If one has a spiritual bent of mind, swaadhyaay under the guidance of the Guru should be cultivated with complete sincerity. Only a Guru can guide one towards correct interpretation and understanding of scriptures, and its application in one’s life as per his or her gunas.

When one is preparing oneself for a Spiritual flight, it is like a seed sprouting into a sapling. One needs to take good care of the right soil, water, weather etc. Once the sapling has turned into a plant, one needs to provide proper fencing to protect it from grazing animals. But when it becomes a tree, and its roots firm in the ground, then even if an elephant is tied to it, there is no need to worry! In the same way, initial care on Spiritual side is a must.

So, if I have allocated a time for myself, I must adhere to it. The worldly things will continue, there is no end to it!

The choice lies only with me!”